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Wuxi Cargo Ports and Harbors

Premier List
Port of Wuxi
This port is a cargo port. ... More >>

Address: 1000 Yunhe Road East, Wuxi 214023, Jiangsu, China
Tel: 86-510-8549 5888 or 8549 5705
Fax: 86-510-8270 4594

Port of Jiangyin, in JIangyin City
Jiangyin port is located on the south bank of Yangtze and is an inland river tra... More >>

Address: 581 Tongjiang Road North, Jiangyin, Wuxi 214433, Jiangsu
Tel: 86-510-8602 1096 or 8602 1881
Fax: 86-510-8602 1238

Jiangyin Huangtia Cargo Port
This port is one of Wuxi’s waterway transport hub linking Yangtze River directly... More >>

Address: 15 Binjiang Road Middle, Chengjiang Town, Jiangyin, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China
Tel: 86-510-8680 4949

Yixing cargo port, In Yixing City
The port is near Wusheng Canal.... More >>

Address: 70 Jiefang Road East, Yicheng Town, Yixing, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214200, China

4 listings suggest a listing

Jiangyin Huangtia Cargo Port
Address: 15 Binjiang Road Middle, Chengjiang Town, Jiangyin, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China
Tel: 86-510-8680 4949
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Port of Jiangyin, in JIangyin City
Address: 581 Tongjiang Road North, Jiangyin, Wuxi 214433, Jiangsu
Tel: 86-510-8602 1096 or 8602 1881
Fax: 86-510-8602 1238
Complete detail here
Port of Wuxi
Address: 1000 Yunhe Road East, Wuxi 214023, Jiangsu, China
Tel: 86-510-8549 5888 or 8549 5705
Fax: 86-510-8270 4594
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Yixing cargo port, In Yixing City
Address: 70 Jiefang Road East, Yicheng Town, Yixing, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214200, China
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