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Xu Beihong Memorial Hall

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Location: Wuxi
Address: 1 Gongyuan Road, Yicheng Township, Yixing City, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214220
Fee: 5 Yuan/ticket
Operation: 7:30 – 11:00 and 13:00 – 16:40
Route: 5, 46, 47, all to the memorial hall

Phone: 86-510-8791 7536

Xu Beihong (1895 – 1953) was born in Yixing, under the jurisdiction of Wuxi and is one of the most famous painters in modern Chinese history. He is best known for his painting works of horses and birds. Considered a modern painting artist in China, Xu merged western techniques with classic Chinese approaches and devised his special Chinese painting style.

Xu started his classic Chinese works and calligraphy at the age of six under his father’s influences and studied oil painting and drawing in Paris in 1919. He was the president of the Central Academy of Fine Arts and the Chairmen of the Chinese Artist’s Association. He died of a stroke in 1953.

His memorial hall was opened to the public in October, 1988, and occupies a land of 1,200 square meters, where visitors can see his biography and works.

Other Chinese paiters’ works are also exhibited.

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