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Home > Attraction > Wuxi Attractions > Yixing Teapot Museum

Yixing Teapot Museum

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Location: Wuxi
Address: 150 Dingshan Road North, Yixing City, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China
Fee: 0 Yuan/ticket
Operation: 8:00 – 17:00
Route: Bus No. 5, 6, 45, 46, and Tourist Bus No. 1, all to the museum

Phone: 86-510-8718 8321 or 8718 3698

One of the most popular traditional Wuxi products is the Yixing teapot and it is well known by people in China. The traditional gift is actually manufactured in Yixing, a city under the Wuxi jurisdiction.

The Yixing teapot is produced by Yixing clay, a type of stoneware clay, in the region near the city of Yixing. The finished stoneware is usually red or brown in color, and they are typically unglazed.

Yixing teapots have long been known in all provinces in China for their simple beauty and unique tea brewing qualities. Its use dates back to the Song Dynasty. This item was first exported to Europe in the 17th century but remained relatively unheard of in the western countries.

The museum was erected nearly 50 years ago and it covers more than 20,000 square meters of land. The construction has an area of 3,000 square meters and is the largest one of its type.

A museum with its clay products dated back to several thousand years of history. Recommended

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